St. Paul Church and Monastry
Kostol svätého Pavla apoštola
St. Paul Church and Monastry
Kostol svätého Pavla apoštola
Original function:
church and monastery
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Mariánske námestie 52/27, 010 01 Žilina
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
49.223219, 18.738836
Google map:
Useful links
The Jesuits arrived in Zsolna in 1654. They built the Baroque church between 1743 and 1754. In 1691 the Jesuits established a lower grammar school. The school was closed in 1773, when the Jesuit order was dissolved by the pope.
In 1832 Bishop Vurum József of Nyitra (1763-1838) purchased the former monastery and opened an orphanage in the building after reconstruction. A plaque was placed in his memory on the building. In 1881 the Merciful Sisters took over the management of the orphanage, which was closed in 1945 by the Communists. The building has been used by the Capuchin monks since 1993. Part of the building is used by the Art Gallery of the Vág Region.
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