Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Sentinel Advanture Center
Banícke múzeum v Rožňave - Zážitkové centrum Sentinel
Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Sentinel Advanture Center
Banícke múzeum v Rožňave - Zážitkové centrum Sentinel
Šafárikova 43, 048 01 Rožňava
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.655003, 20.529749
One of the predecessors of the museum was founded by the National Hungarian Association of Mining and Metallurgy with the financial support of Count Andrássy Dénes and his wife, Franciska. The Museum of Mining and Metallurgy opened its first exhibition in 1912.
The other predecessor was the Municipal Museum of Rozsnyó opened in 1912. Both of the museums had to be closed in 1919 after the Czechoslovak invasion. When the town returned to Hungary in 1938, the two collections were united and the museum reopened. After the Soviet invasion in 1945 the museum was closed again. The collection was stored in the courtyard of the palace of Betler under open sky for a long time.
The building of the museum was built between 1905 and 1910. There are cast iron gravestones from the graveyard of Rozsnyó in its courtyard. These were made by iron founders and smiths from Lubény and Dobsina. The oldest one is from 1808.
{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":363,"townId":18,"active":1,"name_LO":"Ban\u00edcke m\u00fazeum v Ro\u017e\u0148ave - Z\u00e1\u017eitkov\u00e9 centrum Sentinel","address":"\u0160af\u00e1rikova 43, 048 01 Ro\u017e\u0148ava","mapdata":"1|254|1442","gps_lat":"48.6550030000","gps_long":"20.5297490000","religion":0,"oldtype":"98","newtype":"98","homepage":"https:\/\/\/component\/content\/?id=20&Itemid=203","openinghours":"https:\/\/\/informacie\/otvaracie-hodiny-a-vstupne","muemlekemlink":"https:\/\/\/hatareset\/Banyaszati-es-Kohaszati-Muzeum-Rozsnyo-1916","csemadoklink":"\r","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"Museum of Mining and Metallurgy, Sentinel Advanture Center ","note":"","history":"One of the predecessors of the museum was founded by the National Hungarian Association of Mining and Metallurgy with the financial support of Count Andr\u00e1ssy D\u00e9nes and his wife, Franciska. The Museum of Mining and Metallurgy opened its first exhibition in 1912.@The other predecessor was the Municipal Museum of Rozsny\u00f3 opened in 1912. Both of the museums had to be closed in 1919 after the Czechoslovak invasion. When the town returned to Hungary in 1938, the two collections were united and the museum reopened. After the Soviet invasion in 1945 the museum was closed again. The collection was stored in the courtyard of the palace of Betler under open sky for a long time.@The building of the museum was built between 1905 and 1910. There are cast iron gravestones from the graveyard of Rozsny\u00f3 in its courtyard. These were made by iron founders and smiths from Lub\u00e9ny and Dobsina. The oldest one is from 1808.","town":{"townId":18,"name_HU":"Rozsny\u00f3","name_LO":"Ro\u017e\u0148ava","seolink":"rozsnyo-roznava","oldcounty":7,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}