Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

Former County Hospital

Former County Hospital
Original function:
hospital / clinic / sanatorium / doctor's office
Current function:
8 Juraja Fábryho
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.3836049031, 20.0239237095
Google map:


The public hospital of the county was opened in 1884. The public donation began as early as 1839 on the initiative of Draskóczy Sámuel, vice ispán of Gömör County and Marikovszky Gusztáv, M.D. In 1889 a separate building was built for the contagious and insane patients. In 1901, a district lower school for midwives was established, and then a new separate building was erected on the land next to the hospital for the obstetrics department of the public hospital, which also served as the midwifery school.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":2526,"townId":5,"active":1,"name_LO":"","address":"8 Juraja F\u00e1bryho","mapdata":"1|1216|386","gps_lat":"48.3836049031","gps_long":"20.0239237095","religion":0,"oldtype":"71","newtype":"120","homepage":"","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"Former County Hospital","note":"","history":"The public hospital of the county was opened in 1884. The public donation began as early as 1839 on the initiative of Drask\u00f3czy S\u00e1muel, vice isp\u00e1n of G\u00f6m\u00f6r County and Marikovszky Guszt\u00e1v, M.D. In 1889 a separate building was built for the contagious and insane patients. In 1901, a district lower school for midwives was established, and then a new separate building was erected on the land next to the hospital for the obstetrics department of the public hospital, which also served as the midwifery school.&arcanum.com, Borovszky Samu: Magyarorsz\u00e1g v\u00e1rmegy\u00e9i \u00e9s v\u00e1rosai|https:\/\/www.arcanum.com\/hu\/online-kiadvanyok\/Borovszky-borovszky-samu-magyarorszag-varmegyei-es-varosai-1\/gomor-kishont-varmegye-894E\/gomor-kishont-varmegye-kozegeszsegugye-irta-dr-locherer-tamas-93D3\/a-kozkorhaz-941A\/","town":{"townId":5,"name_HU":"Rimaszombat","name_LO":"Rimavsk\u00e1 Sobota","seolink":"rimaszombat-rimavska-sobota","oldcounty":7,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}