House of Kempelen Farkas
House of Kempelen Farkas
Original function:
Current function:
Dunajská ulica 32.
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.145084, 17.117505
Google map:
Useful links
The famous inventor Kempelen Farkas (Wolfgang von Kempelen) was born in Pozsony on January 23, 1734. He was one of the last polymaths. His study published in 1791 laid the foundations of scientific phonetics. His speaking machine mimicked the human sound-producing organs. His chess-playing automaton called The Turk presented in 1769 became a world sensation. He also designed a steam machine with steam condenser, a water-lifting machine with two water pumps for improving the water supply of Buda, the predecessor of the steam turbine, the fountains of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna and several others.
Check out other sights in Pozsony as well!
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