Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

Place of Death of King Louis I of Hungary, Post Office

Place of Death of King Louis I of Hungary, Post Office
Original function:
Current function:
Trojičné námestie 8, 917 01 Trnava
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.37807, 17.586892
Google map:


King Louis I of Hungary died on September 11, 1382 in the Popovich House in Nagyszombat. The Czechoslovaks demolished the building in 1947 and built a post office on its site.

The neighboring Somonyi House was marked with a plaque in 1879 because it was considered to have been the place where the great king died. A plaque was placed also on the Popovich House in 1882.

Source:  csemadok.sk
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