Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

former Statue of Kossuth Lajos, Statue of the Defender of Nógrád

former Statue of Kossuth Lajos, Statue of the Defender of Nógrád
Original function:
statue / memorial / relief
Current function:
statue / memorial / relief
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.327789, 19.669412
Google map:


The statue of Kossuth Lajos, the leader of the Hungarian War of Independence in 1848-1849, was unveiled on September 19, 1910 in the middle of the Kubinyi square. It was the artwork of Holló Barnabás. The statue was destroyed by the invading Czechoslovak soldiers in January 1919. The stone statue of the Hungarian freedom fighter that was originally on its pedestal is now in the garden of the Gallery of Nógrád. In 2002 a new statue was placed in its place made of wood and tin called "defender of Nógrád" with an explanation text in Slovak and Latin. Nógrád was the name of the Hungarian county, which once Losonc also belonged to. The southern part of this historical county still belongs to Hungary and is called Nógrád County.

Source:  csemadok.sk
{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":49,"townId":4,"active":1,"name_LO":"","address":"","mapdata":"1|955|727","gps_lat":"48.3277890000","gps_long":"19.6694120000","religion":0,"oldtype":"38","newtype":"38","homepage":"","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"http:\/\/emlekhelyek.csemadok.sk\/emlekhelyek\/kossuth-lajos-losonci-szobra\/\r","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"former Statue of Kossuth Lajos, Statue of the Defender of N\u00f3gr\u00e1d","note":"","history":"The statue of Kossuth Lajos, the leader of the Hungarian War of Independence in 1848-1849, was unveiled on September 19, 1910 in the middle of the Kubinyi square. It was the artwork of Holl\u00f3 Barnab\u00e1s. The statue was destroyed by the invading Czechoslovak soldiers in January 1919. The stone statue of the Hungarian freedom fighter that was originally on its pedestal is now in the garden of the Gallery of N\u00f3gr\u00e1d. In 2002 a new statue was placed in its place made of wood and tin called \u0022defender of N\u00f3gr\u00e1d\u0022 with an explanation text in Slovak and Latin. N\u00f3gr\u00e1d was the name of the Hungarian county, which once Losonc also belonged to. The southern part of this historical county still belongs to Hungary and is called N\u00f3gr\u00e1d County.","town":{"townId":4,"name_HU":"Losonc","name_LO":"Lu\u010denec","seolink":"losonc-lucenec","oldcounty":6,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}