St. Michael the Archangel Church of the Ursulines
Kostol Sv. Michala Archanjela
St. Michael the Archangel Church of the Ursulines
Kostol Sv. Michala Archanjela
Original function:
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Mäsiarska, 040 01 Staré Mesto
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.721976, 21.25536
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The church was built by the Calvinists of Kassa between 1652 and 1655. In 1673 the Habsburg ruler took it from the Calvinists and afterwards it was used for storing military equipment. In 1682 Thököly Imre gave it back to the Calvinists. In 1698 the church was given to Ursuline nuns from Pozsony. In 1706 Prince Rákóczi Ferenc II gave the church back to the Calvinists once again, but they lost it after the fall of the Hungarian War of Independence in 1711.
Check out other sights in Kassa as well!
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