Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

Cathedral of St. Elisabeth of Hungary

Dóm svätej Alžbety
Cathedral of St. Elisabeth of Hungary
Dóm svätej Alžbety
Cathedral of St. Elisabeth of Hungary
Original function:
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Hlavná 30/54, 040 01 Košice
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.720289, 21.258134
Google map:


The Gothic cathedral is dedicated to St. Elisabeth of Hungary, who lived between 1207 and 1231. There is an excellent view from the northern tower of the cathedral.

After the former church on the same location burned down in 1378, the construction of the cathedral was decided. The construction finished in 1520. The Matthias Tower, the Royal Stairway and the sanctuary was built in 1461. The Holy Cross Chapel and the Virgin and Child with St. Anne Chapel were built in 1467. The Chapel of Virgin Mary and the Chapel of St. Joseph, the later of which did not survive, were built in 1477.

During his uprising Bocska István gave the church to the Lutherans in 1604, they used it until 1671. The Lutherans used the church also between 1682 and 1687 thanks to Thököly Imre, leader of the kuruc insurgents.

The northern tower gained its final form in 1775, while the never-finished southern Matthias Tower gained its current form in 1904.

The winged main altar of the church was made between 1474 and 1477.

The diocese of Kassa was established in 1804 and the church became a cathedral. Previously it was a parish church.

The church was renovated between 1877 and 1896 according to the plans of the Hungarian architect Steindl Imre.

In 1906 the remains of Prince Rákóczi Ferenc II, brought back from Rodosto (Edirne, Turkey), were placed in the lower church. Prince Rákóczi Ferenc II led the Hungarian War of Independence against the Habsburg Empire between 1703 and 1711. After its fall he rather went in exile than accept the mercy of the emperor. The remains of Zrínyi Ilona, his mother, and Bercsényi Miklós, his general and follower in exile, also rest here.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":258,"townId":17,"active":2,"name_LO":"D\u00f3m sv\u00e4tej Al\u017ebety","address":"Hlavn\u00e1 30\/54, 040 01 Ko\u0161ice","mapdata":"1|1042|759","gps_lat":"48.7202890000","gps_long":"21.2581340000","religion":1,"oldtype":"1","newtype":"1","homepage":"http:\/\/domsvalzbety.sk\/","openinghours":"http:\/\/domsvalzbety.sk\/?page_id=3369","muemlekemlink":"https:\/\/www.muemlekem.hu\/hatareset\/Szent-Erzsebet-szekesegyhaz-Kassa-251","csemadoklink":"http:\/\/emlekhelyek.csemadok.sk\/emlekhelyek\/szent-erzsebet-szekesegyhaz-1\/\n","picture":"own","picture_ref":"","name":"Cathedral of St. Elisabeth of Hungary ","note":"","history":"The Gothic cathedral is dedicated to St. Elisabeth of Hungary, who lived between 1207 and 1231. There is an excellent view from the northern tower of the cathedral.@After the former church on the same location burned down in 1378, the construction of the cathedral was decided. The construction finished in 1520. The Matthias Tower, the Royal Stairway and the sanctuary was built in 1461. The Holy Cross Chapel and the Virgin and Child with St. Anne Chapel were built in 1467. The Chapel of Virgin Mary and the Chapel of St. Joseph, the later of which did not survive, were built in 1477.@During his uprising Bocska Istv\u00e1n gave the church to the Lutherans in 1604, they used it until 1671. The Lutherans used the church also between 1682 and 1687 thanks to Th\u00f6k\u00f6ly Imre, leader of the kuruc insurgents.@The northern tower gained its final form in 1775, while the never-finished southern Matthias Tower gained its current form in 1904.@The winged main altar of the church was made between 1474 and 1477.@The diocese of Kassa was established in 1804 and the church became a cathedral. Previously it was a parish church.@The church was renovated between 1877 and 1896 according to the plans of the Hungarian architect Steindl Imre.@In 1906 the remains of Prince R\u00e1k\u00f3czi Ferenc II, brought back from Rodosto (Edirne, Turkey), were placed in the lower church. Prince R\u00e1k\u00f3czi Ferenc II led the Hungarian War of Independence against the Habsburg Empire between 1703 and 1711. After its fall he rather went in exile than accept the mercy of the emperor. The remains of Zr\u00ednyi Ilona, his mother, and Bercs\u00e9nyi Mikl\u00f3s, his general and follower in exile, also rest here.","town":{"townId":17,"name_HU":"Kassa","name_LO":"Ko\u0161ice\u00a0","seolink":"kassa-kosice","oldcounty":8,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}