Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven

Rímsko-katolícky kostol nanebovzatia Panny Márie
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
Rímsko-katolícky kostol nanebovzatia Panny Márie
Original function:
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Nám. gen. M. R. Štefánika 46, 977 01 Brezno
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.806856, 19.643391
Google map:


In 1380 Breznóbánya became a free royal town. The first church of the town was likely built from wood earlier, and it stood on the site of the current tower. It was dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.

On April 30, 1517 the Nagylucsei Dóczy family attacked Breznóbánya because of a dispute on property. The sanctuary of the church was guarded by two priests, who were unwilling to hand over the keys to the attackers. They were slain and the church was looted and burned. The new church was built in a different location. It was consecrated in 1520. The church was fortified by walls in 1578.

The Lutherans took over the church around 1553. The Catholics, namely the Piarist order, recovered the church in 1673 thanks to Archbishop Szelepcsényi György of Esztergom. The church was given back to the Lutherans by Thököly Imre, the leader of the kuruc insurgents, in 1682 and they held it until1687. From 1705 to 1711 during the Hungarian War of Independence led by Prince Rákóczi Ferenc II, the church could be used by the Lutherans again.

The church that can be seen today was built between 1782 and 1785 in Baroque-Classicist style on the site of the former Gothic church that burned down. It inherited the nave of the old church. The tower was built between 1792 and 1793.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":753,"townId":38,"active":1,"name_LO":"R\u00edmsko-katol\u00edcky kostol nanebovzatia Panny M\u00e1rie","address":"N\u00e1m. gen. M. R. \u0160tef\u00e1nika 46, 977 01 Brezno","mapdata":"1|440|417","gps_lat":"48.8068560000","gps_long":"19.6433910000","religion":1,"oldtype":"1","newtype":"1","homepage":"http:\/\/brezno.fara.sk\/dejiny-farnosti-v-16-az-19-storoci\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"\r","picture":"\u003Ca title=\u0022Ing.Mgr.Jozef Kotuli\u010d \/ CC BY-SA (https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/4.0)\u0022 href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Brezno16Slovakia11.JPG\u0022\u003E\u003Cimg width=\u0022512\u0022 alt=\u0022Brezno16Slovakia11\u0022 src=\u0022https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/2\/24\/Brezno16Slovakia11.JPG\/512px-Brezno16Slovakia11.JPG\u0022\u003E\u003C\/a\u003E","picture_ref":"\u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Brezno16Slovakia11.JPG\u0022 title=\u0022via Wikimedia Commons\u0022\u003EIng.Mgr.Jozef Kotuli\u010d\u003C\/a\u003E \/ \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/4.0\u0022\u003ECC BY-SA\u003C\/a\u003E","name":"Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven","note":"","history":"In 1380 Brezn\u00f3b\u00e1nya became a free royal town. The first church of the town was likely built from wood earlier, and it stood on the site of the current tower. It was dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.@On April 30, 1517 the Nagylucsei D\u00f3czy family attacked Brezn\u00f3b\u00e1nya because of a dispute on property. The sanctuary of the church was guarded by two priests, who were unwilling to hand over the keys to the attackers. They were slain and the church was looted and burned. The new church was built in a different location. It was consecrated in 1520. The church was fortified by walls in 1578.@The Lutherans took over the church around 1553. The Catholics, namely the Piarist order, recovered the church in 1673 thanks to Archbishop Szelepcs\u00e9nyi Gy\u00f6rgy of Esztergom. The church was given back to the Lutherans by Th\u00f6k\u00f6ly Imre, the leader of the kuruc insurgents, in 1682 and they held it until1687. From 1705 to 1711 during the Hungarian War of Independence led by Prince R\u00e1k\u00f3czi Ferenc II, the church could be used by the Lutherans again.@The church that can be seen today was built between 1782 and 1785 in Baroque-Classicist style on the site of the former Gothic church that burned down. It inherited the nave of the old church. The tower was built between 1792 and 1793.","town":{"townId":38,"name_HU":"Brezn\u00f3b\u00e1nya","name_LO":"Brezno","seolink":"breznobanya-brezno","oldcounty":12,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}