Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

Stone Bridge of the Upper Gate

Stone Bridge of the Upper Gate
Original function:
town gate
Current function:
town gate
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
49.290218, 21.27497
Google map:


The fortifications of the town were built after the Mongol Invasion. It had four gates, which opened to the south, west, north and northeast. The plain of the town slightly slopes north, so the southern gate, which was located on the highest point, was called Upper Gate, while the northeastern gate, which was located on the lowest point, was called Lower Gate. The walls were defended by wide moats.

The wooden bridge leading across the moat in front of the Upper Gate was demolished in 1770 and a new stone bridge was built with five 4.5-metres wide arches.

Source:  muemlekem.hu
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