Former barracks, Center for Culture and Art
Cladirea Centrului de Cultură și Artă Sălaj
Former barracks, Center for Culture and Art
Cladirea Centrului de Cultură și Artă Sălaj
Original function:
Current function:
exhibition hall, event center
Piața 1 Decembrie 1918 11
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
47.1818617609, 23.0534310055
Google map:
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After 1849, Hussar and artillery units were stationed in Zilah. From 1869 it was the seat of a permanent military headquarters. The barracks were built at the end of the 19th century (1889). The inscription on its facade reads 'Baron Fejérváry - Royal Hungarian Infantry Barracks'. Part of it was demolished at the end of the 20th century. It is now used by the Romanian occupying army.
Check out other sights in Zilah as well!
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