Serbian Orthodox Episcopal Palace, Ecclesiastical Art Collection
Episcopia Ortodoxã Sârbã
Serbian Orthodox Episcopal Palace, Ecclesiastical Art Collection
Episcopia Ortodoxã Sârbã

Original function:
Bishop's / Archbishop's Palace
Current function:
Bishop's / Archbishop's Palace, museum
Piața Unirii
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
45.7577399552, 21.2279508168
Google map:
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Next to the cathedral is the palace of the Serb Orthodox Bishopric of Temesvár. Its foundation stone was laid in 1745, under the Serb Bishop Gheorghie Popovici, and it was built in Byzantine style. In 1905-1906 it was rebuilt according to the plans of Székely László, incorporating elements of Serbian and Russian religious architecture.
Check out other sights in Temesvár as well!
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