Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Piarist Church and Monastery

Biserica Înălțarea Sfintei Cruci Piaristă
Exaltation of the Holy Cross Piarist Church and Monastery
Biserica Înălțarea Sfintei Cruci Piaristă
Exaltation of the Holy Cross Piarist Church and Monastery
Original function:
church and monastery
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Bulevardul Regele Ferdinand I 3
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
45.7523090492, 21.2228150869
Google map:


In 1788, by order of Emperor Joseph II, the Piarist grammar school in Szentanna was moved to the monastery of the Bosnian Franciscans in Temesvár. The new building of the eight-grade high school was built in 1909 according to the designs of Székely László, Temesvár's chief architect, and Baumgarten Sándor from Budapest. In addition to the school, it included a monastery and a chapel. The chapel was consecrated on 20 January 1912. During the Second World War, the German, then the Romanian and Soviet armies occupied the building and the school equipment was completely destroyed. The school was nationalized in 1948. In 1992, the "Gerhardinum" Roman Catholic Theological Lyceum was opened there. The Piarist Order was only able to recover its stolen property in 2006, and today it houses the Pelbárt Roman Catholic Theological Lyceum in Temesvár.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":1615,"townId":66,"active":2,"name_LO":"Biserica \u00cen\u0103l\u021barea Sfintei Cruci Piarist\u0103","address":"Bulevardul Regele Ferdinand I 3","mapdata":"1|655|1304","gps_lat":"45.7523090492","gps_long":"21.2228150869","religion":1,"oldtype":"9","newtype":"1","homepage":"","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"https:\/\/www.muemlekem.hu\/hatareset\/Piarista-gimnazium-rendhaz-es-templom-Temesvar-1750","csemadoklink":"https:\/\/lexikon.adatbank.transindex.ro\/muemlek.php?id=210","picture":"own","picture_ref":"","name":"Exaltation of the Holy Cross Piarist Church and Monastery","note":"","history":"In 1788, by order of Emperor Joseph II, the Piarist grammar school in Szentanna was moved to the monastery of the Bosnian Franciscans in Temesv\u00e1r. The new building of the eight-grade high school was built in 1909 according to the designs of Sz\u00e9kely L\u00e1szl\u00f3, Temesv\u00e1r's chief architect, and Baumgarten S\u00e1ndor from Budapest. In addition to the school, it included a monastery and a chapel. The chapel was consecrated on 20 January 1912. During the Second World War, the German, then the Romanian and Soviet armies occupied the building and the school equipment was completely destroyed. The school was nationalized in 1948. In 1992, the \u0022Gerhardinum\u0022 Roman Catholic Theological Lyceum was opened there. The Piarist Order was only able to recover its stolen property in 2006, and today it houses the Pelb\u00e1rt Roman Catholic Theological Lyceum in Temesv\u00e1r.","town":{"townId":66,"name_HU":"Temesv\u00e1r","name_LO":"Timi\u0219oara","seolink":"temesvar-timisoara","oldcounty":28,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}