Chapel of Virgin Mary, Memorial to Dózsa György
Monumentul Fecioara Maria
Chapel of Virgin Mary, Memorial to Dózsa György
Monumentul Fecioara Maria

Original function:
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Piata Sfanta Maria
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
45.7482904467, 21.2188810753
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The chapel was built in 1906 in eclectic style according to the plans of Székely László, the chief architect of Temesvár. It is located next to the Reformed Church. The statue of Mary in the middle is the work of Kis György. The chapel was erected on the presumed place of Dózsa György's execution. Legend has it that at the time of Dózsa György's execution, the Virgin Mary appeared to the praying monks and serfs. Dózsa was the leader of the peasant uprising of 1514 and was burned on a throne of iron. Her image was then placed on a column and in 1906 a chapel was erected around it.
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