House of Culture, Tomcsa Sándor Theatre
Művelődési ház
House of Culture, Tomcsa Sándor Theatre
Művelődési ház
Original function:
event center
Current function:
event center, theatre/opera
Strada Tamási Áron 15
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.3058396585, 25.2906290621
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The building next to the Sétatér (Walking Square) was built between 1956 and 1959, and is a house of culture with a neoclassical facade and a folk, Hungarian-style interior. The building is also home to the Székelyland Philharmonic Orchestra, the Udvarhely Dance Group and the Tomcsa Sándor Theatre.
Check out other sights in Székelyudvarhely as well!
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