Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary Church, Convent Church and Convent

Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary Church, Convent Church and Convent
Szeplőtelen Szűz Mária templom-Szatmárnémeti
Wikizoli, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Original function:
church and monastery
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Strada Ștefan cel Mare 13
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
47.796844, 22.8743
Google map:


It was the historical centre of the only monastic order founded in Szatmár, the Sisters of Mercy of Szatmár, named after Saint Vincent de Paul.

Bishop Hám János of Szatmár met the Sisters of Mercy abroad. It was in Vienna that he first saw the Sisters of Mercy, who belonged to a congregation in Strasbourg. He sent the Hungarian girls to them for monastic training, with whom he founded the congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Szatmár in 1842 in Szatmárnémeti. The Sisters of Mercy of Szatmár originate from the Order of the Sisters of Mercy of Vienna, named after Saint Vincent de Paul, and use the order's rules developed by the Saint. Their vocations include caring for the sick and the poor, orphanage work, faith education and pastoral care.

The church was built between 1836 and 1842 in neoclassical style. Bishop Hám János entrusted the work on the monastery church to Gonzeczky János, whose work is commemorated by a marble plaque. The main altarpiece depicting the Immaculate Virgin was painted by Pesky József in Pest in 1845.

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