Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Plaque of Blessed Bishop Apor Vilmos

Plaque of Blessed Bishop Apor Vilmos
Original function:
Current function:
Piața Muzeului
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.220437741, 24.7933461232
Google map:


The memorial plaque is on the wall of the former country hall (now the Town Hall), where Apor Vilmos (1892-1945) was born on 29 February 1892.

Although Apor Vilmos's family, of baronial rank, originated in Háromszék (Székelyland), he was a native of Segesvár, as his father Baron Apor Gábor (1851-1898) was the ispán of Nagy-Küküllő County. The lawyer father, as a large landowner in Torja, built a resort at the spa below Bálványos Castle (in Háromszék), thus creating the famous Bálványosfürdő.

Apor Vilmos was appointed bishop of Győr on 21 January 1941. On 28 March 1945 (Good Wednesday) the Soviet siege of Győr began. The bishop took in all the refugees, and hundreds of people found shelter in the cellars of the Bishop's Castle. He celebrated his last mass here on Holy Thursday. On 30 March, after refusing to hand over women who had fled to his residence, he was shot dead by a Soviet soldier.

The memorial plaque to Bishop Apor Vilmos was unveiled on 4 November 2007. It is the work of Hunyadi László.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":2287,"townId":84,"active":1,"name_LO":"","address":"Pia\u021ba Muzeului","mapdata":"1|1566|1209","gps_lat":"46.2204377410","gps_long":"24.7933461232","religion":0,"oldtype":"39","newtype":"39","homepage":"https:\/\/www.kozterkep.hu\/34877\/apor-vilmos-emlektabla#","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"Plaque of Blessed Bishop Apor Vilmos","note":"","history":"The memorial plaque is on the wall of the former country hall (now the Town Hall), where Apor Vilmos (1892-1945) was born on 29 February 1892. @\nAlthough Apor Vilmos's family, of baronial rank, originated in H\u00e1romsz\u00e9k (Sz\u00e9kelyland), he was a native of Segesv\u00e1r, as his father Baron Apor G\u00e1bor (1851-1898) was the isp\u00e1n of Nagy-K\u00fck\u00fcll\u0151 County. The lawyer father, as a large landowner in Torja, built a resort at the spa below B\u00e1lv\u00e1nyos Castle (in H\u00e1romsz\u00e9k), thus creating the famous B\u00e1lv\u00e1nyosf\u00fcrd\u0151.@\nApor Vilmos was appointed bishop of Gy\u0151r on 21 January 1941. On 28 March 1945 (Good Wednesday) the Soviet siege of Gy\u0151r began. The bishop took in all the refugees, and hundreds of people found shelter in the cellars of the Bishop's Castle. He celebrated his last mass here on Holy Thursday. On 30 March, after refusing to hand over women who had fled to his residence, he was shot dead by a Soviet soldier.@ \nThe memorial plaque to Bishop Apor Vilmos was unveiled on 4 November 2007. It is the work of Hunyadi L\u00e1szl\u00f3.","town":{"townId":84,"name_HU":"Segesv\u00e1r","name_LO":"Sighi\u0219oara","seolink":"segesvar-sigishoara","oldcounty":38,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}