Bust of Rhédey Lajos
Bust of Rhédey Lajos
Original function:
statue / memorial / relief
Current function:
statue / memorial / relief
Parcul Nicolae Bălcescu
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
47.0507666797, 21.9221207988
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The bust was inaugurated in 2018, in the park that formerly bore the name of Rhédey Lajos, who donated the park to the town, now known as Bălcescu Park, not far from the family mausoleum. The monument is the work of Deák Árpád. Rhédey Lajos (1761-1831) was a patron of Hungarian culture. He supported the Hungarian-language theatre, gave financial support to the Hungarian National Museum and donated his rich mineral collection to it. In 1825 he donated the Rhédey Garden to Várad when he moved to Pest. Musical entertainments were often held in the garden. The Count and his wife are buried in the Rhédey Chapel in the garden.
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