Arany János High School
Arany János Elméleti Líceum
Arany János High School
Arany János Elméleti Líceum
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.8030729415, 21.6631653369
From 1711 we have written documents about the Schola Reformata Nagyszalontaiensis, where the poet Arany János studied and taught. In 1847 the building, now called the Great School, was built, which housed both the lower and upper grammar schools.
In 1906, the Civil School for Girls was established, with four elementary classes, which was later expanded to include a commercial course. The following year, the boys' grammar school was promoted to main grammar school, initially housed in the upstairs halls of the Great School. Here the writer Zilahy Lajos, the professor of medicine Dr. Kiss Ferenc, and the graphic artist Major Henrik studied. On 15 September 1970, the sixteen-room modern institute with specialised rooms and central heating began to operate. The new school has been in existence since 18 November 2010, as the successor to the Arany János Grammar School and the Arany János Elementary School. Education started on 1 September 2011.
{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":1370,"townId":60,"active":1,"name_LO":"Arany J\u00e1nos Elm\u00e9leti L\u00edceum","address":"Aurel Laz\u0103r 1","mapdata":"1|2140|646","gps_lat":"46.8030729415","gps_long":"21.6631653369","religion":0,"oldtype":"74","newtype":"74","homepage":"http:\/\/\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"Arany J\u00e1nos High School","note":"","history":"From 1711 we have written documents about the Schola Reformata Nagyszalontaiensis, where the poet Arany J\u00e1nos studied and taught. In 1847 the building, now called the Great School, was built, which housed both the lower and upper grammar schools.@\nIn 1906, the Civil School for Girls was established, with four elementary classes, which was later expanded to include a commercial course. The following year, the boys' grammar school was promoted to main grammar school, initially housed in the upstairs halls of the Great School. Here the writer Zilahy Lajos, the professor of medicine Dr. Kiss Ferenc, and the graphic artist Major Henrik studied. On 15 September 1970, the sixteen-room modern institute with specialised rooms and central heating began to operate. The new school has been in existence since 18 November 2010, as the successor to the Arany J\u00e1nos Grammar School and the Arany J\u00e1nos Elementary School. Education started on 1 September 2011. ","town":{"townId":60,"name_HU":"Nagyszalonta","name_LO":"Salonta","seolink":"nagyszalonta-salonta","oldcounty":26,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}