Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Calvinist Grammar School (Old Building)

Colegiul Reformat
Calvinist Grammar School (Old Building)
Colegiul Reformat
Bolyai Farkas Liceum, Marosvásárhely - 2013.07.12 (23)
Derzsi Elekes Andor, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Original function:
Current function:
Strada Bolyai 3
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.5441510207, 24.5637626342
Google map:


At the Hungarian country assembly held in Kolozsvár in 1556, the establishment of several new Reformed schools was discussed. The first known teacher of the school was Tordai Ádám, a graduate of the University of Wittenberg (1569). In February of the following year, in Gyulafehérvár, Queen Isabella of Hungary designated the former monastery of the Franciscan Order as the site of the institution, which was named Schola Particula. In 1601-1602, General Basta's imperial troops sacked the Castle Church, and the school was moved to the site where the Lyceum still stands today.

The students of the college of Sárospatak, expelled in 1671, were taken in by the college of Gyulafehérvár. They were expelled from there in 1716 by the Austrian military on the grounds of the defence of the local fortress. In 1718, the Schola Particula in Marosvásárhely took in the institution and its students, which elevated it to the rank of a college, the third in Transylvania, along with the ones in Nagyenyed and Kolozsvár. Its first permanent building was erected in the 1760s with the permission of Governor Hadik András. Between 1777 and 1779, with the help of the curator Teleki József, a new building was constructed to house the library and auditorium. Between 1801 and 1804, the north wing was added, which is still standing (although not in its original form), according to the plans of Ugrai László.

In 1794, law is introduced in the upper classes, followed three years later by natural history. On 27 September 1802, the college took possession of the first printing press in Marosvásárhely.

In May 1804, Bolyai Farkas delivered his inaugural address, marking the beginning of the institute's boom. Bolyai Farkas advocated the modernisation of education. His son, the famous mathematician Bolyai János, also studied here. Within the walls of the institute he discovered the foundations of his theory of relativity.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the old wing of the building was demolished and replaced by the present Art Nouveau building. The new building was constructed between 1908 and 1909 to the design of Baumgartner Sándor. It was confiscated by the Romanians after the Romanian occupation and became a state school.

In 1957, on the 400th anniversary of the institution's foundation, it took the name of Bolyai Farkas. The year 1960 was a sad year in the life of the secondary school, because it was converted into a mixed-language institution by the nationalist Romanian authorities. The idea of making the school fully Hungarian again had been mooted as early as 1990, one of the triggers of the ethnic riots known as the Black March. From the 2005-2006 school year onwards, the Romanian classes were discontinued and the school became a fully Hungarian school again.

In the summer of 2007, the Reformed College's coat of arms (a white angel on a blue background) was ceremoniously reinstated on the school's facade at the World Alumni Meeting.

At present, the building owned by the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania is home to two schools, the Bolyai Farkas Lyceum and the Reformed College.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":2302,"townId":85,"active":1,"name_LO":"Colegiul Reformat","address":"Strada Bolyai 3","mapdata":"1|2552|2738","gps_lat":"46.5441510207","gps_long":"24.5637626342","religion":2,"oldtype":"74","newtype":"74","homepage":"https:\/\/www.refkoll.ro\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"https:\/\/www.muemlekem.hu\/hatareset\/Reformatus-kollegium-Marosvasarhely-1368","csemadoklink":"https:\/\/lexikon.adatbank.transindex.ro\/muemlek.php?id=173","picture":"\u003Ca title=\u0022Derzsi Elekes Andor, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons\u0022 href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Bolyai_Farkas_Liceum,_Marosv%C3%A1s%C3%A1rhely_-_2013.07.12_(23).jpg\u0022\u003E\u003Cimg width=\u0022512\u0022 alt=\u0022Bolyai Farkas Liceum, Marosv\u00e1s\u00e1rhely - 2013.07.12 (23)\u0022 src=\u0022https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/2\/22\/Bolyai_Farkas_Liceum%2C_Marosv%C3%A1s%C3%A1rhely_-_2013.07.12_%2823%29.jpg\/512px-Bolyai_Farkas_Liceum%2C_Marosv%C3%A1s%C3%A1rhely_-_2013.07.12_%2823%29.jpg\u0022\u003E\u003C\/a\u003E","picture_ref":"\u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Bolyai_Farkas_Liceum,_Marosv%C3%A1s%C3%A1rhely_-_2013.07.12_(23).jpg\u0022\u003EDerzsi Elekes Andor\u003C\/a\u003E, \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3.0\u0022\u003ECC BY-SA 3.0\u003C\/a\u003E, via Wikimedia Commons","name":"Calvinist Grammar School (Old Building)","note":"","history":"At the Hungarian country assembly held in Kolozsv\u00e1r in 1556, the establishment of several new Reformed schools was discussed. The first known teacher of the school was Tordai \u00c1d\u00e1m, a graduate of the University of Wittenberg (1569). In February of the following year, in Gyulafeh\u00e9rv\u00e1r, Queen Isabella of Hungary designated the former monastery of the Franciscan Order as the site of the institution, which was named Schola Particula. In 1601-1602, General Basta's imperial troops sacked the Castle Church, and the school was moved to the site where the Lyceum still stands today.@\nThe students of the college of S\u00e1rospatak, expelled in 1671, were taken in by the college of Gyulafeh\u00e9rv\u00e1r. They were expelled from there in 1716 by the Austrian military on the grounds of the defence of the local fortress. In 1718, the Schola Particula in Marosv\u00e1s\u00e1rhely took in the institution and its students, which elevated it to the rank of a college, the third in Transylvania, along with the ones in Nagyenyed and Kolozsv\u00e1r. Its first permanent building was erected in the 1760s with the permission of Governor Hadik Andr\u00e1s. Between 1777 and 1779, with the help of the curator Teleki J\u00f3zsef, a new building was constructed to house the library and auditorium. Between 1801 and 1804, the north wing was added, which is still standing (although not in its original form), according to the plans of Ugrai L\u00e1szl\u00f3.@\nIn 1794, law is introduced in the upper classes, followed three years later by natural history. On 27 September 1802, the college took possession of the first printing press in Marosv\u00e1s\u00e1rhely.@\nIn May 1804, Bolyai Farkas delivered his inaugural address, marking the beginning of the institute's boom. Bolyai Farkas advocated the modernisation of education. His son, the famous mathematician Bolyai J\u00e1nos, also studied here. Within the walls of the institute he discovered the foundations of his theory of relativity.@\nAt the beginning of the 20th century, the old wing of the building was demolished and replaced by the present Art Nouveau building. The new building was constructed between 1908 and 1909 to the design of Baumgartner S\u00e1ndor. It was confiscated by the Romanians after the Romanian occupation and became a state school.@\nIn 1957, on the 400th anniversary of the institution's foundation, it took the name of Bolyai Farkas. The year 1960 was a sad year in the life of the secondary school, because it was converted into a mixed-language institution by the nationalist Romanian authorities. The idea of making the school fully Hungarian again had been mooted as early as 1990, one of the triggers of the ethnic riots known as the Black March. From the 2005-2006 school year onwards, the Romanian classes were discontinued and the school became a fully Hungarian school again.@\nIn the summer of 2007, the Reformed College's coat of arms (a white angel on a blue background) was ceremoniously reinstated on the school's facade at the World Alumni Meeting.@\nAt present, the building owned by the Reformed Diocese of Transylvania is home to two schools, the Bolyai Farkas Lyceum and the Reformed College.\n&\nwikipedia: Bolyai Farkas L\u00edceum|https:\/\/hu.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bolyai_Farkas_L%C3%ADceum","town":{"townId":85,"name_HU":"Marosv\u00e1s\u00e1rhely","name_LO":"T\u00e2rgu Mure\u0219","seolink":"marosvasarhely-targu-mures","oldcounty":41,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}