Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Franciscan Church and Monastery

Franciscan Church and Monastery
Kolozsvár 03
Taz666, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Original function:
church and monastery
Current function:
church and monastery
Roman Catholic
Piaţa Muzeului
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.7719323535, 23.5878698556
Google map:


The first mention of the Dominicans in Kolozsvár was in 1397. The church and the monastery were built in the second half of the 15th century in late Gothic style, using an earlier building, probably from the early 15th century. In 1455, Hunyadi János made a donation of salt for its construction. As a result of the Reformation, the Dominicans had to leave the town, but the building continued to house the town school. In 1556 Queen Isabella of Hungary stayed here temporarily. In 1609, Prince Báthory Gábor of Transylvania ceded the church to the Calvinists, who later ran a Calvinist school in the monastery alongside the Unitarian school. A significant number of wall scribbles from this period have been preserved. It was reacquired by the Catholics in the late 17th century. First the Jesuits and then the Franciscans moved in in 1725. In the 18th century, the church and the monastery were rebuilt in the Baroque style. Between 1902 and 1908 the church gained its present-day appearance during a restoration carried out by the architects Miller István and Lux Kálmán.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":1382,"townId":61,"active":1,"name_LO":"","address":"Pia\u0163a Muzeului","mapdata":"1|1824|703","gps_lat":"46.7719323535","gps_long":"23.5878698556","religion":1,"oldtype":"9","newtype":"9","homepage":"http:\/\/ofm.ro\/kolozsvariferencesek\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"https:\/\/www.muemlekem.hu\/hatareset\/Ferences-templom-es-kolostor-Kolozsvar-3187","csemadoklink":"","picture":"\u003Ca title=\u0022Taz666, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons\u0022 href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Kolozsv%C3%A1r_03.JPG\u0022\u003E\u003Cimg width=\u0022256\u0022 alt=\u0022Kolozsv\u00e1r 03\u0022 src=\u0022https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/2\/24\/Kolozsv%C3%A1r_03.JPG\/256px-Kolozsv%C3%A1r_03.JPG\u0022\u003E\u003C\/a\u003E","picture_ref":"\u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Kolozsv%C3%A1r_03.JPG\u0022\u003ETaz666\u003C\/a\u003E, \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3.0\u0022\u003ECC BY-SA 3.0\u003C\/a\u003E, via Wikimedia Commons","name":"Franciscan Church and Monastery ","note":"","history":"The first mention of the Dominicans in Kolozsv\u00e1r was in 1397. The church and the monastery were built in the second half of the 15th century in late Gothic style, using an earlier building, probably from the early 15th century. In 1455, Hunyadi J\u00e1nos made a donation of salt for its construction. As a result of the Reformation, the Dominicans had to leave the town, but the building continued to house the town school. In 1556 Queen Isabella of Hungary stayed here temporarily. In 1609, Prince B\u00e1thory G\u00e1bor of Transylvania ceded the church to the Calvinists, who later ran a Calvinist school in the monastery alongside the Unitarian school. A significant number of wall scribbles from this period have been preserved. It was reacquired by the Catholics in the late 17th century. First the Jesuits and then the Franciscans moved in in 1725. In the 18th century, the church and the monastery were rebuilt in the Baroque style. Between 1902 and 1908 the church gained its present-day appearance during a restoration carried out by the architects Miller Istv\u00e1n and Lux K\u00e1lm\u00e1n. \n&\nwikipedia: Ferences templom \u00e9s kolostor (Kolozsv\u00e1r)|https:\/\/hu.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Ferences_templom_%C3%A9s_kolostor_(Kolozsv%C3%A1r)","town":{"townId":61,"name_HU":"Kolozsv\u00e1r","name_LO":"Cluj-Napoca","seolink":"kolozsvar-cluj-napoca","oldcounty":32,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}