Báthori House
Capela Greco-Catolică Buna Vestire
Báthori House
Capela Greco-Catolică Buna Vestire
Original function:
monastery / nunnery / canon's house / provost residence
monastery / nunnery / canon's house / provost residence
Current function:
Calea Mănăștur
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.7620866036, 23.5701225422
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After Prince Báthory István of Transylvania bought back the Benedictine abbey of Kolozsmonostor and entrusted it to the Jesuits, he built a castle from the ruins of the monastery of St. Benedict, including a chapel in honour of the Virgin Mary of Sorrows. The Jesuits moved here in 1579. The chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows was housed in the Báthori House until 1902. Since the building had already become the property of the Academy of Economics in 1894, the chapel was also shut down in 1902, and Kolin István, the parish priest and Holy See councillor, had the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows built opposite the Báthori House, together with the parish house.
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