Nagy Jáfet House
Nagy Jáfet House
Original function:
Current function:
Strada Gării 21
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
45.9978041375, 26.1381178616
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It was the house of retired Lieutenant-General Nagy Jáfet. It was built in 1829. During the 1848 Hungarian Revolution, the first two issues of the Székely Hírmondó were printed in the cellar of this house. Lieutenant-General Nagy Jáfet was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for his role in the Revolution of 48, from which he was eventually released due to his seriously deteriorating health. The Jáfet couple (Nagy Jáfet's wife Nagy Anna) left all their property to the Reformed Church of Kézdivásárhely for the benefit of the poor of the church, according to their will written on 30 June 1847.
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{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":2140,"townId":80,"active":1,"name_LO":"","address":"Strada G\u0103rii 21","mapdata":"1|1138|2132","gps_lat":"45.9978041375","gps_long":"26.1381178616","religion":0,"oldtype":"53","newtype":"53","homepage":"https:\/\/\/nagy-jafet-haz\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"Nagy J\u00e1fet House","note":"","history":"It was the house of retired Lieutenant-General Nagy J\u00e1fet. It was built in 1829. During the 1848 Hungarian Revolution, the first two issues of the Sz\u00e9kely H\u00edrmond\u00f3 were printed in the cellar of this house. Lieutenant-General Nagy J\u00e1fet was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for his role in the Revolution of 48, from which he was eventually released due to his seriously deteriorating health. The J\u00e1fet couple (Nagy J\u00e1fet's wife Nagy Anna) left all their property to the Reformed Church of K\u00e9zdiv\u00e1s\u00e1rhely for the benefit of the poor of the church, according to their will written on 30 June 1847.","town":{"townId":80,"name_HU":"K\u00e9zdiv\u00e1s\u00e1rhely","name_LO":"T\u00e2rgu Secuiesc","seolink":"kezdivasarhely-targu-secuiesc","oldcounty":44,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}