Both Castle
Both Castle

Ukiy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Completely destroyed
Historical Hungarian county:
Geographic region:
Gyergyó Mountains
GPS coordinates:
46.728439, 25.634643
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Arrival of the Hungarians
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The alliance of the seven Hungarian tribes took possession of the then largely uninhabited Carpathian Basin. Until then, the sparse Slavic population of the north-western Carpathians had lived under Moravian rule for a few decades after the collapse of the Avar Khaganate in the early 9th century.
Foundation of the Hungarian Kingdom
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The Kingdom of Hungary was established with the coronation of King Stephen I. He converted the Hungarians to Christianity and created two archdioceses (Esztergom and Kalocsa) and ten dioceses. He divided Hungary into counties led by ispáns, who were appointed by the king.
Mongol Invasion
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The hordes of the Mongol Empire invaded Hungary and almost completely destroyed it. One third to one half of the population was destroyed. The Mongols also suffered heavy losses in the battle of Muhi and they could not hunt down the king. After their withdrawal, King Béla IV reorganized Hungary. He allowed the feudal lords to build stone castles because they were able to successfully resist the nomadic Mongols. The vast majority of stone castles were built after this. The king called in German, Vlach (Romanian) and Slavic settlers to replace the destroyed population.
The extinction of the House of Árpád
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The House of Árpád, the first Hungarian royal dynasty, died out with the death of King Andrew III. Hungary was ruled by oligarchs, the most powerful of whom was Csák Máté, whose main ally was the Aba family. King Charles I (1308-1342), supported by the Pope, eventually emerged as the most prominent of the contenders for the Hungarian throne. But it took decades to break the power of the oligarchs.
late 15th century – early 16th century
The castle was probably built at that time as a fortified refuge for the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. According to the tradition, the castle was owned by Lady Hirip, whose sons, Ábrahám and Domonkos, used it as their headquarters from where they looted the neighbourhood and abducted its most beautiful virgins. They defeated the insulted lovers demanding justice one after another in duel. Their mother watched the duels from the tower of the castle with delight and welcomed his victorious sons with laurel wreath. But one day two warriors overcame them, the laurel wreath withered in the hands of their mother and the people took revenge by destroying the castle.
Battle of Mohács and the splitting of Hungary into two parts
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Sultan Suleiman I launched a war against Vienna, instigated by the French. Ferdinand I, Duke of Austria, was the brother-in-law of King Louis II of Hungary. The army of the Ottoman Empire defeated the much smaller Hungarian army at Mohács, and King Louis II died in the battle. A group of the barons elected Ferdinand I of the House of Habsburg to the throne, who promised to defend Hungary from the Turks. He was the younger brother of the most powerful European monarch Emperor Charles V. But the nobility chose the most powerful Hungarian baron, Szapolyai János, who was also crowned as King John I. The country was split in two and a decades-long struggle for power began.
The Turkish occupation of the capital, Buda, and the division of Hungary into three parts
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The Turks conquered Buda, the capital of Hungary, after the death of King John I. The central part of the country was under Turkish rule for 150 years. The western and northern parts (including present-day Slovakia) formed the Kingdom of Hungary ruled by the Habsburg emperors. The eastern parts (now mainly under Romanian rule) were ruled by the successors of King John I of Hungary, who later established the Principality of Transylvania.
The establishment of the Principality of Transylvania
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John II (John Sigismund), the son of King John I of Hungary, renounced the title of King of Hungary in favor of King Maximilian of the House of Habsburg, and henceforth held the title of Prince. This formally created the Principality of Transylvania, which was the eastern half of Hungary not ruled by the Habsburgs and was also a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. John II died in 1571, after which the three nations of Transylvania (the Hungarian nobility, the Székelys and the Saxons) elected the prince.
Turkish defeat at Vienna and the formation of the Holy League
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The combined armies of the Habsburg Empire and the Kingdom of Poland defeated the Turkish army besieging Vienna. Emperor Leopold I wanted to make peace with the Turks, but was refused by Sultan Mehmed IV. In 1684, at the persistent urging of Pope Innocent XI, the Holy League, an alliance of the Kingdom of Poland, the Habsburg Empire, the Republic of Venice and the Papal States, was formed to expel the Turks from Hungary. Thököly Imre, who had allied himself with the Turks, was gradually driven out of northern Hungary.
Recapture of Buda and the liberation of Hungary from the Turks
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The army of the Holy League recaptured Buda from the Turks by siege. In 1687, the Imperial army invaded the Principality of Transylvania. The liberation was hindered by the French breaking their promise of peace in 1688 and attacking the Habsburg Empire. By 1699, when the Peace of Karlóca was signed, all of Hungary and Croatia had been liberated from the Ottoman Empire with the exception of Temesköz, the area bounded by the Maros, the Tisza and the Danube rivers. It was not until the Peace of Požarevac in 1718 that Temesköz was liberated from the Turks. However, the continuous war against the Turkish invaders and the Habsburg autocracy, which lasted for more than 150 years, wiped out large areas of the Hungarian population, which had previously made up 80% of the country's population, and was replaced by Vlachs (Romanians), Serbs and other Slavic settlers and Germans. The Habsburgs also favoured the settlement of these foreign peoples over the 'rebellious' Hungarians.
Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary again, with internal autonomy and freedom of religion
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According to the Diploma Leopoldinum issued by Emperor Leopold I, Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary again and Hungarian law remained in force. The three nations (the Hungarians, the Székelys – who are also Hungarians –, and the Saxons) administered its internal affairs with autonomy and the freedom of religion was also preserved. The incorporation of Transylvania into the Habsburg Empire was prevented by the temporary election of Thököly Imre as Prince of Transylvania in 1690 with Turkish help.
late 17th century
The castle was allegedly owned by the Both family.
According to a story recorded by Orbán Balázs, royal judge Both gathered the people of Gyergyó and went forth to meet the imperial army of Akton at the summit of Mount Geréczes, where they repelled the invaders at a great cost. But two Vlachs led the imperials to their backs, and the Székelys caught between two fires were defeated. Gyergyó and the Both Castle were ravaged, and royal judge Both was used as a target dummy and was murdered by the little children of Acton.
The chapel was built next to the castle on the highest peak of the Várbükk Mountain along the north side of the road leading to Békás Pass.
Székely Zoltán found the remains of Both Castle next to the chapel during an archaeological excavation.
Source: , Wikipedia, - Bánlaky József: A magyar nemzet hadtörténelme
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