Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Drachenhaus, Dragon House

Hotel Drachenhaus
Drachenhaus, Dragon House
Hotel Drachenhaus
Whitepixels, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Original function:
Current function:
restaurant / confectionery / café
Strada Nicolae Bălcescu 12
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
45.6414506579, 25.5921582172
Google map:


The Drachenhaus was built by Georg Dück in 1822. Dück was a talented and wealthy master tanner and leather industrialist, the owner of the most famous leather factory in 19th century Transylvania, a patron of poor craftsmen, and one of the founders of the Kronstädter Allgemeine Sparkasse. His son, Georg Dück Jr. served as town judge of Brassó from 1869 to 1871.

The winged, crowned dragon-shaped copper gargoyles have captured the imagination of the people of Brassó from the very beginning. According to a well-known legend, the house - or its predecessor - is linked to the mysterious Klingsor von Ungerlant, a Transylvanian-born singer and magician who lived around 1200. Klingsor took part in the 1206 Wartburg Song Contest, which is also recorded in Wagner's Tannhäuser, but was defeated in the competition. Disillusioned and excluded, he returned home to Brassó, learned black magic and built his dragon house. The dragons came to life at night and glowed red, frightening the citizens of Brassó.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":2497,"townId":77,"active":1,"name_LO":"Hotel Drachenhaus","address":"Strada Nicolae B\u0103lcescu 12","mapdata":"1|1468|1849","gps_lat":"45.6414506579","gps_long":"25.5921582172","religion":0,"oldtype":"53","newtype":"81","homepage":"http:\/\/www.drachenhaus.ro\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"","picture":"\u003Ca title=\u0022Whitepixels, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons\u0022 href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:BVDrachenhaus3.jpg\u0022\u003E\u003Cimg width=\u0022512\u0022 alt=\u0022BVDrachenhaus3\u0022 src=\u0022https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/5\/54\/BVDrachenhaus3.jpg\/512px-BVDrachenhaus3.jpg\u0022\u003E\u003C\/a\u003E","picture_ref":"\u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:BVDrachenhaus3.jpg\u0022\u003EWhitepixels\u003C\/a\u003E, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons","name":"Drachenhaus, Dragon House","note":"","history":"The Drachenhaus was built by Georg D\u00fcck in 1822. D\u00fcck was a talented and wealthy master tanner and leather industrialist, the owner of the most famous leather factory in 19th century Transylvania, a patron of poor craftsmen, and one of the founders of the Kronst\u00e4dter Allgemeine Sparkasse. His son, Georg D\u00fcck Jr. served as town judge of Brass\u00f3 from 1869 to 1871.@\nThe winged, crowned dragon-shaped copper gargoyles have captured the imagination of the people of Brass\u00f3 from the very beginning. According to a well-known legend, the house - or its predecessor - is linked to the mysterious Klingsor von Ungerlant, a Transylvanian-born singer and magician who lived around 1200. Klingsor took part in the 1206 Wartburg Song Contest, which is also recorded in Wagner's Tannh\u00e4user, but was defeated in the competition. Disillusioned and excluded, he returned home to Brass\u00f3, learned black magic and built his dragon house. The dragons came to life at night and glowed red, frightening the citizens of Brass\u00f3.\n&\nwikipedia: Drachenhaus (Brass\u00f3)|https:\/\/hu.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Drachenhaus_(Brass%C3%B3)","town":{"townId":77,"name_HU":"Brass\u00f3","name_LO":"Bra\u0219ov","seolink":"brasso-brasov","oldcounty":40,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}