Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

Nativity of Virgin Mary Roman Catholic church

Farský kostol Narodenia Panny Márie
Nativity of Virgin Mary Roman Catholic church
Farský kostol Narodenia Panny Márie
Original function:
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Matúšova 2, 911 01 Trenčín
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.893803, 18.041888
Google map:


It was originally a Gothic church of three naves built in the 14th century (around 1234). A roofed wooden stairway leads to the church. It was reconstructed in Renaissance style in the 16th century. The church was devastated by fire several times. In 1790 three out of four bells melted in a fire. After the fire in 1886, the church was completely reconstructed between 1911 and 1912. It is a popular destination for those seeking indulgence on the feasts of Virgin Mary.

To the left is the chapel of the Illésházy family, while the chapel to the right is dedicated to Saint Imre. He was the only son of St. Stephen of Hungary, who died too early during a hunt.

Source:  csemadok.sk
{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":574,"townId":29,"active":1,"name_LO":"Farsk\u00fd kostol Narodenia Panny M\u00e1rie","address":"Mat\u00fa\u0161ova 2, 911 01 Tren\u010d\u00edn","mapdata":"1|662|502","gps_lat":"48.8938030000","gps_long":"18.0418880000","religion":1,"oldtype":"1","newtype":"1","homepage":"http:\/\/trencin.fara.sk\/?page_id=152","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"http:\/\/emlekhelyek.csemadok.sk\/emlekhelyek\/szuz-maria-szuletese-templom-trencsenben\/\r","picture":"\u003Ca title=\u0022Scotch Mist \/ CC BY-SA (https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/4.0)\u0022 href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Tren%C4%8D%C3%ADn_27.jpg\u0022\u003E\u003Cimg width=\u0022256\u0022 alt=\u0022Tren\u010d\u00edn 27\u0022 src=\u0022https:\/\/upload.wikimedia.org\/wikipedia\/commons\/thumb\/f\/f3\/Tren%C4%8D%C3%ADn_27.jpg\/256px-Tren%C4%8D%C3%ADn_27.jpg\u0022\u003E\u003C\/a\u003E","picture_ref":"\u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/commons.wikimedia.org\/wiki\/File:Tren%C4%8D%C3%ADn_27.jpg\u0022 title=\u0022via Wikimedia Commons\u0022\u003EScotch Mist\u003C\/a\u003E \/ \u003Ca href=\u0022https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/4.0\u0022\u003ECC BY-SA\u003C\/a\u003E","name":"Nativity of Virgin Mary Roman Catholic church ","note":"","history":"It was originally a Gothic church of three naves built in the 14th century (around 1234). A roofed wooden stairway leads to the church. It was reconstructed in Renaissance style in the 16th century. The church was devastated by fire several times. In 1790 three out of four bells melted in a fire. After the fire in 1886, the church was completely reconstructed between 1911 and 1912. It is a popular destination for those seeking indulgence on the feasts of Virgin Mary.@To the left is the chapel of the Ill\u00e9sh\u00e1zy family, while the chapel to the right is dedicated to Saint Imre. He was the only son of St. Stephen of Hungary, who died too early during a hunt.","town":{"townId":29,"name_HU":"Trencs\u00e9n","name_LO":"Tren\u010d\u00edn\u00a0","seolink":"trencsen-trencin","oldcounty":10,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}