Attractions along the Carpathians
Upper Hungary / Slovakia

St. Martin's Cathedral

Dóm sv. Martina
St. Martin's Cathedral
Dóm sv. Martina
St. Martin
Original function:
Current function:
Roman Catholic
Rudnayovo námestie 1
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
48.142011, 17.105021
Google map:


The Romanesque church dedicated to the Most Holy Savior that once stood on its site was built between 1204 and 1221. It became a parish church at the beginning of the 14th century. This church was expanded in Gothic style between 1311 and 1314. The Gothic constructions lasted for centuries. During the reign of King Matthias of Hungary, the church was expanded to its current size in late Gothic style between 1467 and 1487.

Archbishop Esterházy Imre of Esztergom ordered the addition of the Baroque Chapel of St. John the Almsgiver to the north side of the church in 1732. It is the artwork of Georg Rafael Donner. Donner also created the equestrian statue of St. Martin dressed in Hungarian Hussar costume. The statue was part of the former main altar, but now it stands in the southern nave of the church.

The church was renovated between 1863 and 1878 in Neo-Gothic style according to the plans of Lippert Jézsef. 11 kings and 8 queens of Hungary were crowned in the church between 1563 and 1830 (of whom 10 kings and 1 queen were actually ruling).

The tower of the church is 85 meters high and on top of the spire the 164 centimeters tall copy of the Holy Crown of Hungary weighing 150 kilograms can be seen.

Several famous Hungarians rest in the crypt of the church, including Archbishop Pázmány Péter, the founder of the University of Nagyszombat (now ELTE in Budapest).

The codex containing one of the oldest Hungarian-language text, the Funeral Cermon and Prayer dating back to 1192, was found in the church by the Jesuit monk Pray György in 1770.

The new Danube-bridge (UFO) and the related road infrastructure built by Czechoslovakia in the 20th century cut the church from the Castle Hill and resulted in the destruction of a large part of the old town of Pozsony.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":833,"townId":1,"active":2,"name_LO":"D\u00f3m sv. Martina","address":"Rudnayovo n\u00e1mestie 1","mapdata":"1|769|1824","gps_lat":"48.1420110000","gps_long":"17.1050210000","religion":1,"oldtype":"1","newtype":"1","homepage":"http:\/\/dom.fara.sk\/index.php\/sk\/","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"http:\/\/muemlekem.hu\/hatareset\/Szent-Marton-dom-Pozsony-2264","csemadoklink":"http:\/\/emlekhelyek.csemadok.sk\/emlekhelyek\/szent-marton-dom\/\n","picture":"own","picture_ref":"","name":"St. Martin's Cathedral ","note":"","history":"The Romanesque church dedicated to the Most Holy Savior that once stood on its site was built between 1204 and 1221. It became a parish church at the beginning of the 14th century. This church was expanded in Gothic style between 1311 and 1314. The Gothic constructions lasted for centuries. During the reign of King Matthias of Hungary, the church was expanded to its current size in late Gothic style between 1467 and 1487.@Archbishop Esterh\u00e1zy Imre of Esztergom ordered the addition of the Baroque Chapel of St. John the Almsgiver to the north side of the church in 1732. It is the artwork of Georg Rafael Donner. Donner also created the equestrian statue of St. Martin dressed in Hungarian Hussar costume. The statue was part of the former main altar, but now it stands in the southern nave of the church.@The church was renovated between 1863 and 1878 in Neo-Gothic style according to the plans of Lippert J\u00e9zsef. 11 kings and 8 queens of Hungary were crowned in the church between 1563 and 1830 (of whom 10 kings and 1 queen were actually ruling).@The tower of the church is 85 meters high and on top of the spire the 164 centimeters tall copy of the Holy Crown of Hungary weighing 150 kilograms can be seen.@Several famous Hungarians rest in the crypt of the church, including Archbishop P\u00e1zm\u00e1ny P\u00e9ter, the founder of the University of Nagyszombat (now ELTE in Budapest).@The codex containing one of the oldest Hungarian-language text, the Funeral Cermon and Prayer dating back to 1192, was found in the church by the Jesuit monk Pray Gy\u00f6rgy in 1770.@The new Danube-bridge (UFO) and the related road infrastructure built by Czechoslovakia in the 20th century cut the church from the Castle Hill and resulted in the destruction of a large part of the old town of Pozsony.","town":{"townId":1,"name_HU":"Pozsony","name_LO":"Bratislava; Pre\u0161porok ","seolink":"pozsony-bratislava","oldcounty":1,"country":2}},"language":"en","region":"slovakia","regionid":2,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}